Medium power transformers
We manufacture medium power oil immersed transformers, autotransformers, and special transformers up to 160 MVA with the maximum equipment voltages of 170 kV. They are intended outdoor and indoor installation.

Our medium power transformers are very important components in many electric power distribution and transmission companies around the world. In the last 40 years, we have delivered over 4,000 units with a total capacity of 85,000 MVA to over 110 countries.
We offer our customers a complete service: design, manufacturing, transport, installation, field testing, and commissioning. The materials, equipment, and technology we use in the production and testing of transformers include the latest global development trends.
Voltage regulation is performed by regulation tappings with on-load tap changer and off-load tap changer or by switching below tank cover in off-circuit conditions. Our transformers are manufactured and tested in accordance with the IEC 60076 standard, and designs according to other international standards.
Single-phase transformers
Single-phase transformers are generally designed with a core on two legs or a single leg with two return legs or auxiliary core legs. The most common application for single-phase transformers is in railway systems. However, we also manufacture power system transformers that are configured as three single-phase units, which are ultimately connected into a three-phase system on-site. These transformers can be filled with mineral oil, natural, or synthetic ester liquids.

Three-phase transformers
Three-phase transformers represent the largest segment of the transformer industry and are designed to meet specific customer specifications and requirements. Despite the numerous design variants, notable examples include two-winding transformers, three-winding transformers, transformers with voltage switching on the low-voltage or high-voltage side, transformers with stabilization windings, generator transformers, and more. These transformers can be filled with mineral oil, natural, or synthetic ester liquids.

An autotransformer is an electrical transformer with a single winding. Its main advantage is that it is smaller and lighter than a standard two-winding transformer. Autotransformers are mostly used in railway and interconnect systems and operate at frequencies of 16.7 Hz, 50 Hz, and 60 Hz.