
Shares of KONČAR – Electrical Industry Inc. have been listed in the Official Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange since 2003 under the symbol KOEI-RA. 

In keeping with the positive regulations, we ensure regular access to information on operations and activities and information on any facts and circumstances that may impact the share price (price sensitive information). The share capital amounts to €159,471,378 and consists of 2,572,119 ordinary shares each in the nominal value of €62.

We apply equal conditions to all shareholders and treat them equally irrespective of the number of shares in their possession, their country of origin and other properties. Voting rights encompass all shareholders in that the number of votes they are entitled to at the General Assembly equals the number of shares they have in their possession.

Reach out to us if you have any questions about investor relations

If you’re looking for information, have a question or a suggestion, reach out to us. You can e-mail our Investor Relation Specialist or fill out the form to get in touch with our expert team.


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